West Bengal

美 [west ˈbɛŋgəl]英 [west bɛŋˈgɔːl]
  • 网络西孟加拉邦;西孟加拉;印度西孟加拉邦;西孟加拉省
West BengalWest Bengal
  1. People of Bangladesh and West Bengal in India share a common culture and language .


  2. Authorities in West Bengal and Odisha have evacuated people from low-lying areas .


  3. It is just another simple morning in a village in West Bengal , India .


  4. Land protests last year forced the company to close its factory in the Indian state of West Bengal .


  5. Arsenic is a natural substance in the pyrite bedrock underlying most of the ground area in West Bengal .


  6. The latest outbreak to be reported in the region was on16 March in India 's West Bengal state .


  7. In West Bengal , a poor household will typically have three breadwinners doing seven occupations between them .


  8. The photo was taken in West Bengal , where human-elephant conflict is rife .


  9. When dozens of chickens went missing from a remote West Bengal village , everyone blamed the neighbourhood dogs .


  10. The family had been living in the reserved forest in Gorumara National Park in India 's West Bengal state for more than a decade .


  11. He was one of the first to point out decades ago the problem of arsenic contamination in deep water wells in West Bengal and Bangladesh .


  12. Initial damage assessments were hampered by the collapse of communications and a big power cut that also affected much of the state of West Bengal .


  13. The government of West Bengal has said it will raise the limit . It has also paid peasants more than the law obliged for their land .


  14. The Science Express train is making its way through eastern India , with stops planned in West Bengal and Orissa states in July .


  15. One example is the Lighting a Billion Lives campaign in West Bengal , which replaces kerosene and paraffin lamps with solar lanterns in rural settings .


  16. The company , however , has maintained that the halting of its production is temporary , and that the plant in West Bengal will eventually reopen .


  17. But the Nano 's initial production run was fewer than 100,000 units after Tata had to abandon a factory in West Bengal state following protests from farmers .


  18. Authorities in West Bengal State , who want to rescue the project and the state 's image as a business-friendly destination , have started talks with the protesters .


  19. In West Bengal too , its investment plans for a food processing unit has hit the land hurdle with the land earlier allotted , emerging to be a disputed one .


  20. A wild bison strayed out of its habitat and went on the rampage in a village in West Bengal killing one man and injuring six others .


  21. The couple , who live in the eastern state of West Bengal , have refused to obey the order and the issue has been referred to a local family counseling center .


  22. The cyclone packed winds of up to120 kilometers an hour , destroying power and telephone lines and uprooting trees in Bihar and West Bengal .


  23. Villagers in West Bengal blamed the state government for not informing them about the hazards of bird flu as dozens admitted roasting dead birds and eating them .


  24. As far back as 1999 , Hindustan Motors reported a $ 9.5 million loss from the lone plant in West Bengal , partly because of an outsized work force .


  25. Nearly nine out of 10 South Korean elementary pupils receive private tutoring , while the figure for primary school children in India 's West Bengal state stands at six out of 10 .


  26. Officials in the Indian state of West Bengal said that an epidemic of bird flu was spreading , affecting nine of the state's19 districts , and " getting out of hand " .


  27. It has spared Arunachal the swarms of settlers from West Bengal and Bihar that have swamped other parts of the north-east .


  28. Adar and myself were from remote places in West Bengal and did not have any idea about such a travel by road that too in the areas not known to us at all .


  29. In recent weeks , Tata , the acceptable face of Indian capitalism , decided to end production of its new nano marque in West Bengal after bitter disputes with local landowners .


  30. In India , police say there are no more passengers trapped inside the wreckage of a train that crashed in West Bengal state , at least 60 people reported killed in that crash .
